
love letters to the past

December 22, 2016


[nostalgia is a sentimental affection for the past.]

[everyone has experienced this feeling. whether it be the smell of old books, the coffee mug that you always pick, the smell of rain on pavement, or maybe it’s something more visual like photographs.]


[when nostalgia kicks in, i turn to old pictures, facebook memories, concert videos, notes, and yes i even screenshot random texts that i know will make me smile one day when i need it.]

[times of the past have a funny way of reminding you of who you are. it feels good to look back on a time where i was happiest, craziest, and sometimes it even feels good to look back on the times i was the saddest too.]

[constant reflection of the journey i am on, constant remembering old memories that i hope never fade away.]


[it’s so important to think deeply about the past and where you came from. recognize how you got here and the feelings you have experienced along the way. when i am old i hope i have a journal full of memories, love letters to my past, and a USB filled with pictures. because let’s be honest no one will be looking at photo albums of our generation.]

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[i hope i can look back on my crazy nights partying, all the embarrassing snap chats, and the times where i felt that my life was spiraling out of control. i hope to look at those moments with gratitude for they have led me to the lessons i know today.]

[i hope to think about each concert i went to and realize how much art and soul each artist put into that show and how their passion made me feel in the crowd.]

[i hope i look back on those moments where i thought my life was over, and realize how far i’ve come since then.]


[i hope someday, when i am old and gray. i have these memories and flashbacks that never fade. because i think, too often, we are just going through the motions and not taking time to really think and reflect about our past or our journey. we just let it slip, until one day we can’t remember how much fun we had that night, or how many tears we shed, or the laughter we shared.]


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[cherish these moments]

[think about them]

[write them down]

[show gratitude for all the lessons of your past.]

love & light,



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